Greatest Number Ever Recorded Will This Election See The Greatest Number Of Write-in Votes EVER?

Will this election see the greatest number of write-in votes EVER? - greatest number ever recorded

We have what may be the worst presidential candidate "options" we have seen in a long time, would perhaps in the history of the United States - the choice to admit the promotion of social (not run if not) because of his color, and the other a one Nutjobs exact replica of the smallest can be just the second term.

Let's look at the numbers on voter registration for people like Ron Paul (at least a thousand times better than the candidates), or a third candidate?


Griggnax said...

Most people will not waste my time and energy queued for hours to enter a candidate who has to write really no chance of winning anyway.
Electrocal school, do not write in candidates, regardless of how many votes.
People who are unhappy with the candidates to remain at home.

Anonymous said...

It is possible, but I think it's more likely that a record number of people will stay home because I do not really think it matters who wins anyway, and people are really fed up.

McCain's Cancerous Mole said...

Ron Paul is crazy and I hope tons of people write delay, it held a vote for McCain.

Deth said...

Chris Foley to the Presidency

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